Alexander Hundeshagen

reputativ GmbH
+49 531 37960070

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    Research: Gather new insights

    With highly efficient survey and benchmarking options, you gain important insights and create a sustainable overview of your customers, employees, applicants, and competitors.

    Our customers

    Gebr Heinemann
    Sparkasse Nürnberg
    TUI Cruises

    Gather new insights

    To further develop the reputation of your own company, it is worthwhile to expand your field of vision. For example, customers provide important information about your own products or services. From this, in turn, the potential for improvement can be derived. Keep an eye on direct competitors to sharpen one’s profile and find out competitors might be succeeding. The most effective way to find out about your company’s overall mood is through your employees. With reputation+, you have various tools and instruments to obtain important insights and continuously optimise your company.

    Keep an eye on up to four competitors

    Regular research of competitors is not common practice for many companies. No wonder, as it is very time-consuming to continuously check the online activities of the competition. With reputation+, you can store up to four competitors in a clear dashboard. This gives you important information on your competitors’ activities at a glance and allows you to react promptly.

    A survey tool for direct feedback from key stakeholders

    Feedback from your customers and employees is worth its weight in gold. On the one hand, they provide you with essential insights into the procedures and processes within your company and point out opportunities for further improvement. On the other hand, surveys are a great way to get in touch with your customers and employees and demonstrate that you are interested in their opinions. With reputation+, you can design surveys that fit your company in terms of content and appearance.

    Net-Promoter-Score-Surveys for the enquiry of customer satisfaction

    How satisfied are your customers? Many companies do not receive any feedback about the satisfaction of their customers. If the bad evaluations suddenly pile up, it is very difficult to take countermeasures. With our Net Promoter Score surveys, you can quickly and easily obtain feedback and data on your customers’ satisfaction. Standardised surveys and answer options simplify the evaluation. So, you are always informed about the current satisfaction of your customers.

    Mood barometer to check the mood in your company

    Getting honest feedback from your employees is not that easy. Many employees fear that critical comments, in particular, might reflect on them. But a happy team is the basis for long-term business success. With a short mood barometer, the team’s mood can be surveyed anonymously and easily. Your employees feel taken seriously, and you gain important insights into your staff.